2 weeks of WFH! On Friday I finally set up the second monitor L had gotten for me. I think I could WFH forever. Haha. Nope. I think a mix of a few days WFH/ office would be ideal for me.
I think Ze appreciates that we are both home now. He doesn’t interact with me at all during the day unless I take one of his toys and pretend it’s alive or try to give it treats.

We made balcony pizza again. Pizza margherita and pepperoni. The dough was perfect- thin and chewy and I will be making more this week once I find some bread flour.

I love eggs and made loads of soft boiled or fried eggs for breakfast too.

This week I want to cook/bake more and eat out a little less. Up next will he white bean chicken chili.

I think I’ll keep my cycling goal at 150 miles for next week. But I’ll also add in 2-4 strength sessions and 2 running interval sessions.

I hope things start looking up- but at this point experts say it’s going to get a lot worse before it gets better. McCormick place is being turned into a makeshift hospital currently.
We had some more carry out and cooked things too.
Vegetarian ramen from Ramen San.
We made balcony pizza again. Pizza margherita and pepperoni. The dough was perfect- thin and chewy and I will be making more this week once I find some bread flour.
I made bagels for the first time ever - and I like the way they came out. They are chewy and soft. We made everything and plain varieties. I can’t wait to get more flour and brown sugar to make cinnamon sugar bagels soon.
I love eggs and made loads of soft boiled or fried eggs for breakfast too.
This week I want to cook/bake more and eat out a little less. Up next will he white bean chicken chili.
I cycled every day last week! I did not do any organized strength sessions.
I think I’ll keep my cycling goal at 150 miles for next week. But I’ll also add in 2-4 strength sessions and 2 running interval sessions.
People are still not taking the virus seriously. On Wednesday- a relatively nice day in Chicago, many people swarmed the 606 and lakefront. By Thursday morning, Mayor Lightfoot closed the Riverwalk, 606, and the lakefront, as well as nearby parks and banned all group sports. Yeah. People were playing soccer, basketball and walking in groups and not adhering to social distancing. This is why we can’t have nice things.
I still see people posting selfies “we’re totes social distancing guyssss, 6 feet apart teehee” on social media and just can’t help wonder why they feel social distancing doesn’t apply to them. Maybe they live in places with different “social distancing standards than Chicago.” But, If you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem. Stay the fuck home.
Earlier in the week politicians suggested that basically older people should die so that the economy can reopen. I honestly do not comprehend how people can vote for a group of people who suggest that an entire subset of the population is not worth living. Is that basically genocide? So which one or 2 of your grand parents or parents should be thrown into the volcano? (And within party lines there’s obviously a large range of ideas- so it’s not everyone) But the fact that no one within their own party is calling them on this bullshit is even more concerning.
This tweet sums it up nicely.
Norway has called our health care infrastructure “under developed.” Germany is urging its citizens to get the hell out of America like yesterday due to the poor leadership in the White House + inadequate health care.
America now has the most cases out of all countries. We are clearly winning! America first!! (And we still are unable to test anyone who 1. Is not gravely ill. 2. A celebrity or rich.)
Greatest country in the world!
I found it interesting while talking to friends in Europe that they haven’t heard about the Covid-19 possibly causing permanent lung damage if you get it. This has been on the news all last week in the USA. They said- “does the virus treat people differently in America than in other places?” Fair point. Finding reliable information is very hard. I honestly do not know what is legit information or not.
We attended a few virtual happy hours this week which was fun. It was great to see friends face to face even though we cannot hang in real life.
I hope things start looking up- but at this point experts say it’s going to get a lot worse before it gets better. McCormick place is being turned into a makeshift hospital currently.
Until things get better, I’ll just keep looking forward to our 8pm balcony flash lights/sing/woo/ yell time. It’s a great stress relief for 8 minutes, and the camaraderie of the neighborhood is heart warming.