In my groggy, mad that I felt like shit state, I put my name into the lottery for the NYC marathon. I'd love to run it again- and this year would mark the 15th anniversary of my first marathon- which was the NYCM. Although the more I look into logistics and everything, there is a chance I'll take my name out of the drawing before it even happens because {I am over analyzing and} it is overwhelming me too much . But for now I'll keep my fingers crossed.

Tuesday morning I woke up feeling off with stomach distress and Wednesday I ended up going home from work to try to sleep it off. I didn't feel like rushing back to working out and setting myself further behind, so I waited until Saturday to run again.

Training Plan
Monday- easy 4 mile run + easy 7 mile cycle
Tuesday- Friday {REST}
Saturday- 8 mile progressive run
Sunday- 13 mile cycle immediately before 10 mile run containing 8x4min @ 7:30 pace
Since I missed Tuesday's speed sesh, I figured throwing in some faster stuff on the weekend would be good. I felt fresh and springy and had a lot of fun zooming up and down the lakefront in the 60 degree craziness on Saturday and the extreme fog on Sunday.

Goals and Stuff
I feel on track to be able to run a sub 3:30 comfortably in April. (Pending weather and everything). Compared to last year I think I'm in a better place athletically, and am excited to smash the next 12 weeks of training.

I changed it up this week and made a few recipes from the "Racing Weight" cook book.
Humpty Dumpty...

I made apple bran muffins and mushroom egg frittatas which were great for breakfast during the week. For lunch I stuck to bland foods because of being sick.

On Sunday we took the Cb dog to Dovetail Brewery and Begyle Brewery to celebrate his birthday. We had a great time with our friends and their pups.

Looking Forward
Continuing to meal plan and cut back on alcohol is priority for me. I also need to drink more water on the weekends, I do a great job during the week but fail when I'm at home. Also, hills.
82 Days to go!