My first triple digit week! Boom. I won't recap any of that since no one (including myself) would want to hear how I was on the stationary bike for hours and hours reading Running Times.
During this week I also cycled 20 miles (at one time) my furthest ever. There were also some elliptical and a few running miles mixed in this week too.
I ordered my first legit swimsuit this week. I used a tape measure to measure myself so I would ensure the suit would fit- because like duh. Size charts are there for a reason. The suit ended up being ridiculously small. I'm confused. So now I'm ordering one 4 sizes bigger and will be playing a game of trial and error. So dumb.
On Friday I had my first PBR. At least according to untappd. I doubt I would have had a PBR pre-untappd days because I don't generally drink beer flavored Koolaid.
The PBR was consumed at Wrigley field for the Cubs game. Because drinking shitty beer and watching baseball go hand in hand. Clearly.
I also spectated my first race of the year- the Chicago Spring half! It was fun seeing Kim, Bobbi, Amanda, Marcia, Nicole, Eric and even my neighbors out there enjoying themselves.
CB even came out to spectate and was a hit with the runners.
I ran-walked a bit that morning and my ankle didnt appreciate it at all. Well, it warmed up and then turned back into the Crankle. It needs more time off.
I've been debating going to a doctor or PT or whatever but keep coming to the same conclusion: I honestly don't care about a diagnosis for my ankle. (It's probably peroneal tendonitis since it fits most of the symptoms.) and I don't need anyone to tell me to rest and not run. Im doing a bang up job of that currently. I'd rather get an assessment for my gait, leg length etx to see if there's something structurally wrong that causes issues consistently on my right side. But I was injury free for over 1.5 years before this. And I have zero interest in orthotics. So I'm not sure where that leaves me currently
CB even met a new friend.....
Later on after the race I went to the new Goose Island Barrel Aging warehouse for the first time for "Sunday Funday." It's Chicago Craft Beer Week #CCBW and there's loads of events going on at the breweries and restaurants.
The facility is enormous.
"Sunday Funday" had free beer, a dodgeball championship between the breweries, a live band, and more free beer.
They were pouring many varietals of Bourbon County Stout- my favorites being the Weller and Proprietors blend. And they were pouring their signature sours like Gillian, Juliet, and my favorite: Madame Rose. Sours are my jam and I was in heaven.
Because spending time with good friends + all the best beerz is always a Funday. TOTES.

Barrels for dayz.

One week of awesome in the books, looking forward to another, because why the hell not?
Now if only the cankle would stop being cranky so I could enjoy running the lakefront again.