27:39 (approximately) for
3.45 miles (Avg 8:00/mile)
2nd Woman Overall
12th finisher out of 152
Friday started innocent enough. I wore my new awesome sweater to work and had a nice day- later that evening was our company's "Holiday Party."
Friday night was fun at the Holiday Party- there was drinking, dancing (not me- i had a race the next morning) and good times spent with the co-workers in a relaxed environment.
I even won a $50 gift card in one of the raffles.
Saturday/ Race Day!
Creepy Ukrainian Church out near the race.
I woke up with a bit of a hangover after Friday night's party. Guess I shouldnt have had that last glass of wine... I had 2 small pancakes and then L and I drove up to Schiller Park to participate in the race. It was an amazingly beautiful day- the kind of race day weather you dream about- (mid 40's and calm), but never seem to experience in the Chicagoland area. It was such a stark contrast to last week's
Turkey Trot in the
low 20's.

Packet pickup was a breeze, and after meeting up with the lovely ladies pictured below, we dropped off our stuff at the car (no bag check- no biggie) and then I proceeded to warmup a little. I ran laps around the field after the 10am 10K start, and did a few strides across the field to get my HR going. I lined up pretty much in front for this race to get a good position for the trails which was a great decision. I really had no idea what to expect on the trail (except a few trees to duck under) but figured I could handle anything thrown at me.
The race:
Ive never felt so happy running in my life. Perhaps that is an exaggeration, because
this race was pretty darn fun too, but seriously- running through the woods, no music, just running, looking out for roots-branches etc was soul satisfying. Running through the woods was nothing like the hustle and bustle of the lakefront. It was amazingly peaceful! It was quiet minus my steps, breathing and the steps of other runners. It was stunningly beautiful in the park. It brought me back to my high school cross country days which I enjoyed immensely and wished I had participated more in.
Some of the "official" race photos. Awesome and Free!! Thanks Muddy Monk!!!
The trail wasn't too technical- some logs to jump over (easy on the way out, much more difficult on the return), some roots, some small hills, a puddle under the bridge, and a couple of trees to duck under. On the single track portion a guy behind me tripped and took a spill. With half a mile to go my ankle rolled and luckily it didn't cause any lasting damage- there is some tightness/discomfort higher above my ankle but no swelling.
I had no goal going into this race- just to have fun and not get injured. When it became clear less than a mile into the race that I was in 2nd place (women), I wanted to keep my position because only top 3 male/female for each race got an award.

I must say a big Congrats to my man L for running this race!
Thank you to
Kim and
Abbi for inspiring me to run trails. I've loved reading about all your trail adventures this year!

For getting 2nd overall woman, I got a sweet Brooks spike bag, Fits socks, and a hydration belt- which will come in handy when I start hitting the lakefront for longer runs soon. All the water fountains are off now :(
Post run a few of us went for brunch and I had a huge omelet filled with cheese, beans, onions, chipotle sauce. Certainly hit the spot after a nice run!
We went to "La Colombe" for breakfast. Ever since watching "Dangerous Grounds" on the travel channel (Tuesdays 9pm est) we've wanted to go to this place. It didn't disappoint.
Post race thoughts...
This was my last race of 2012. Im going to end my "racing" season on a high note and call it quits. I couldnt believe that in December I was wearing a T-Shirt and arm warmers for a race and didn't feel cold.
This race reminded me why I love running so much. The past few months since getting injured before my goal marathon have been tough. Mentally I struggle with running more than a few short miles at a time, and average about 15 miles a week- a far cry from the 45+ I was averaging during the summer. I have a feeling that the mileage will slowly begin to creep back up now as I prepare for 2013. Im so excited to run more trail races!!!
- xaar