The main low/highlights of the week were my 2 swims. I went out to the lake on Saturday and the water was super choppy. I tried to swim in the washing machine like conditions, but couldn't do more than doggy paddle. I left that swim feeling mildly deflated- if the water in Racine was anything like Saturday, I would likely DNF the swim. I went back on Sunday and arrived to a very calm lake. I warmed up for 1000 yards over a few intervals and then went for 1.3+ miles which felt amazing. I got into a nice groove and could have kept going for a while. I was happy to leave the week on 3440 yards instead of giving up after the pitiful 500 I did on Saturday.

CB was super cute and precious as always.

There was a nice rainbow over the lake during the week.

Birthday morning I went for a run with my boys- best way to start my bday for sure!

For my birthday dinner, we went to MFK and it was so delicious.

Overall I'm feeling pretty good despite the high volume of workouts and work stress. I've gotten pretty down on myself about this whole process more often than any other race I've trained for during the past few months. Battling this negativity has been hard at times- the more negativity you let in, the more it multiplies. I want to believe I've finally gotten past all of that within the last week, because I really can't sustain if I'm dwelling on so much negativity.
Looking forward:
IM Racine is this coming weekend!
Days until Racine 4
Days until I become an Ironman: 60
I hope the lake is not that choppy this weekend or at Madison! No gracias!!!
ReplyDeleteThat fog ( is it fog?) picture from your birthday run is cool!
I hope you are done with the negativity too!!!! :-*
Happy Birthday! I really need to check out MFK someday - looks like they have some delicious eats! Like you, I occasionally slip into negative thinking, especially before a big race. I may worry that perhaps I overtrained/undertrained, I'm burned out/too fresh, legs are tighter/looser than normal, etc. But I have to remember that 1) Everyone who lines up with me on race day has had similar thoughts and 2) Once the race starts I'll instantly forget all of that crap, let the adrenaline flow and just focus on completing the race in the shortest amount of time. Good luck in Racine and remember you are a kick ass runner, so you will be passing any faster swimmers and bikers later in the race! :)
ReplyDeleteHappy belated birthday! CB is sure a handsome lil dog :)