Wednesday, February 22, 2012

I'd like to give up....

For lent, although im not catholic, I would like for my hip/right leg to give up the injury it has had the past 6 weeks. I don't remember what it feels like to run pain free at this point.

With using daily mile Since the start of this year to log every workout, I've come to the conclusion that my injury was actually caused by over stretching post workout. Running a marathon and a half during this time really hasn't helped recovery at all.

So for lent, maybe I'll give up running- but that's not by choice so I suppose that doesn't count.

Instead I'll focus on giving up my ability to procrastinate (waste time) that prevents me from doing such important things as: learning Portuguese.

Because how am I going to communicate in Brasil without a translator if I go there this year?

- xaar


  1. So weird!!! From reading your posts it seems like we have ye same injury and for about the same timeframe! I miss running pain free too!!! :(

  2. I am also experiencing some hip pain, though it's more of just a subtle soreness I suppose. Ugh. I hope the Lenten season brings you relief!

  3. Take the time and listen to your body. You will be thankful in the end because you will start to feel better!

    Good luck with learning Portuguese. That sounds like fun!

  4. I have often thought of giving up running for Lent, since its such a huge part of my life (and takes so much away from the other sections of my life), but I honestly never want to go to jail, and if I gave up running, I'd kill someone, ending up ... you guessed it... in jail :)

  5. funny that you say you think over stretching may have caused your injury, i pretty much gave up stretching awhile ago because i feel like it can do some fairly serious damage to ones body too. hyperextending the joints is more dangerous then tight muscles, and by including more functional fitness exercises into my strength routines i haven't struggled much with tightness.

    just some food for thought...

  6. My sister's b/f is from Brasil (I notice you spelt it right!) and she is still trying to learn Portuguese. argh.

    I love the dog pic. and I hate that we both have hip pain :( I hope you can get through this. we can complain about our hips together xo

  7. Sometimes a forced break from running is necessary! Because you may start to feel better...but in reality, your body still might need more rest. Or at least that's how my body seems to operate (and what I did when I had 5 months off back in 2010.) Good call on your lent thing. I didn't give up anything, I instead decided to start doing the "touch it once" thing with e-mails and I'm still trying to catch up. Ugh, I've failed already...but I'll get better!
